Isana was the new god of joy. He was young, full of enthusiasm and hoped to create a joyful place for the humans to stay. Tamaraja, his grandfather and the god of happiness knew how the humans behaved. He knew young Isana would hurt himself one day, trying to please mankind.
"I will spread joy to the whole world, just like you did grandfather. And I will end all sufferings for the humans" he said. Licking his spoon of Ice-cream from the golden bowl, sitting on a chair at the edge of a ship. It was a beautiful sunset and the sky had a hue of magenta. A few of the gods had come to visit his elder sister Katana, who had just given birth. Tamaraja had arranged a feast upon his huge, marble white ship, which sailed on the golden river 'Nesara'.
Isana was the kind that could talk to anyone, even if it's the first time meeting them. He couldn't help but notice a lady in satin white, standing on the perch at the back end, staring at the ripples in the golden river left behind by the ship. He knew who she was.. But hadn't met her, not since he was a child. She was indeed the legendary goddess of love herself, "Venus". He walked upto her with excitement and said, "Quite a sunset you are missing there, Aunt Venus."
She smirked, without taking her eyes off the ripples "You know kid, these intertwining waves born out of the still river.. chaos perfectly repeating itself in deligent harmony.. somehow helps me calm myself more than your purple sunset"
"Are you.. are you sad, aunt?" he asked innocently. Handing her the icecream he was having. She looked at his hand, a pitiful smile formed on one side of her lips. Then looked at his eyes whilst accepting the dessert.
"Yes.. I am sad.." she replied.
"What for?" he was quick to respond.
"Nothing in particular" she said, having the icecream. "A woman doesn't need a reason to be sad.. it's a mood"
Isana couldn't quite comprehend the statement. "But you are the God of Love.." he tried reminding her.
Venus smiled, flicked her silky blonde hair back and asked.. "There can't be love without sadness lad.. can it?"
Isana was puzzled. "Sadness with Love??
I've never given a thought" he leant on the perch looking at the golden ripples. "I always believed that you could just create love and happiness, joy, peace just followed.. You are the humans' favorite.."
“You seem to have a particular liking for the Humans, it appears.” She said with a poignant tone and went back to holding her glass.
Isana was excited “Yes I do.. they are a wonderful species with a rational intelligence and free will.. I want to make the whole world happy!”
Venus smiled and said, "Good luck with that kid, never put a bleeding finger in the river for long.." as she patted his head.
"Noted.." Isana replied and left to his chamber. His mind consumed his appetite that evening. “The Gods have all become crazy..” he thought to himself. "Tommorrow is a big day.. I must get some rest"
Early morning, much before the sun rise, he jumped into the portal for earth. He has been there before, but not as the God of Joy. The pendant in his neck gave him the power to listen to people's prayers and influence them. But in order to talk to people and interact with animals, the gods have to enter earth in any of the physical form.
As Isana neared earth, he started hearing whispers. The sounds quickly turned to noise and he felt like his head would explode. He flew directly over a tall building and sat down covering his ears. He panicked, breathing heavily as his eyes blurred. In a faint voice, he could here his mother, "Don't worry sweetheart.. All you have to do focus. Channel your strength, pick one voice.. the voice which is the most painful. Forget the rest."
Isana opened his eyes slowly and concentrated. Slowly, he could hear distinct voices. Some sad, some cursing, some happy and some mischevious. He saw a flock of pegions fly past him amidst all the fluttering. He heard one particular voice which he couldn't ignore..
"Please make Maise happy today for our date. It's expensive but all I ever want in this world is her.. Please god, make this happen.."
“This is it..!” Isana exclaimed.“Someone needs my help..” he started flying towards the voice and suddenly, he bashed into a girl.
"Hey.. watchout. What's wrong with you" she yelled.
"I.. I'm so sorry. I didn't know I could run into someone.. this is my first day" he stuttered.
"Yeah? What are you the God of crisis?" She mocked.
" I'm Isana he said, God of Joy.. I think I recognise you.." he scratched his head. "You are the daughter of Cupid aren't you?"
“Yeah.. whatever! What's the hurry?” she didn't seem to be interested.
" Oh.. there's this man who is in love with a girl and he has been praying for the girl to be happy on their date." He said, slightly out of breath.
She looked at Isana, "You want to help him get the girl.. and then what?"
His mind addled at her words.. "Hey, you can make the girl fall in love can't you.. that would be a whole lot better!! And they will be happy together." he bursted out an appeal.
Quite irritated, she said "Listen.. Mr. Happy Face, there's no ‘happily ever after’ here on earth. You put a piece of your heart into making it work for them and a few years down, they would probably be cheating or having a happy break-up.. only thing you are left with are scars.. Just watch them act silly, entertain yourself and go back to your shiny palace. I'm out" and she vanished.
Isana was determined to make this work. "No no.. don't listen to her. If they are happy, why would they break up"
He flew towards William, a young man dressed in a suit which he barely could afford. Isana was excited to look at him, he could see the whole past of this man, he could see his heart beat faster, his pupils constantly change and his sweat out of his hands trembling, holding the flowers.
"Whoa.. this is so helpful." He thought to himself and found out that Willam was the son of a carpenter. Born out of a poor household, he struggled to come this far. Now he has a stable job and is madly in love with Maise.
William stood there, at a fancy restaurant. She got out of a posh two seater which they both looked out of the window. William was dearly nervous as he stood at the table, waiting for her to enter the door. Isana was equally thrilled, he placed his hand over Willam's shoulder and even though he couldn't physically touch, William felt a sense of calm and was a lot more confident. Maise entered, they both greeted and she couldn't quite understand what she felt, because she had met him a lot of time before, they were from the same college, but a blushing smile formed from within.
They spoke as they normally would and had a fancy lunch. Everything about William seemed strangely appealing to her. Maise felt really happy in his company. After that,they both walked a cobblestoned road right next to a very calm sea. They sat on the bridge, feets hanging, staring at the sunset at the sea. "Come on buddy, this is the right time.." Isana couldn't wait any longer.
William gathered all his remaining courage and took out the ring. As he opened it, the last rays from the sun sparkled into the diamond. Everything that happened that day was magical for Maise. Her opulent life somewhere missed a heart-felt joy in a long time. She had no reason to let go of this. Her eyes watered and she said yes.
Isana flew over the sea, his wings touching the water and heart content with his achievement. He went back home feeling very proud of himself, desperate to tell his day to the first person he met. But it was too late and he was really tired. He fell flat on his bed of clouds.
That night, Maise was visited by Tim Green. A young millionaire who was a partner at her father's company. Moreover her father believed him to be a potential groom and everyone at the office thought that they would be perfect for one another. But his jealous traits and greed had turned him into a manipulator that no one knew. Tim had seen William and Maise together that evening and he decided to nip this at the bud.
Tim showed doctored photos and projected an image of Willam to be greedy and wanted Maise to believe that he was there only for the riches. She felt an utter dismay and her heart tore, yet somewhere, she refused to believe the whole narrative. She texted William to meet her the next day, hoping to hear the truth. She couldn't sleep that night, random thoughts disturbed her. In a way she was always prepared for this, her entire life she was scared of being happy as it always was followed by misery.
Next morning, Maise was early at the cafe. Every second felt like an hour. Tim arrived and sat next to her. Maise burst out crying, Tim comforted her. He wiped her tears and put his arm around. William got off the bus and started walking towards the cafe. But the sight of Maise with Tim baffled him. He knew what happened yesterday was too good to be true. His heart ached and eyes wept. "Is this how you play God?" he yelled in his head. Isana was awakened by the voice. "Is this the price I pay for sincerity. It's all just a game to you, isn't it? I didn't want gold or glitches, all I ever wanted was to be happy. As though you would care. How could you watch all this and still be quiet. Is there even a god. If you were true, you would have never let this happen to even your worst enemy" William couldn't stand there anymore he started running.
Isana flew down as fast as he could. He was somehow trying to make sense of what had happened. He tried to scream at the top of his lungs but in vain. Isana stood ahed, in front of him and tried to block his path. William just ran through Isana. Tim showed Maise her running friend and said, "I don't think he is coming back.." She couldn't control her tears. Tim took her to his car, she was furious at the gods. "Are you even true God? Did I really root for you or was my entire life a bloody lie!" She cried.
"All my life, I waited for one good thing to happen to me.. just one. Was it too much to ask? Are you the wise, all knowing one or are you a child, playing pranks on people.. Laughing at my miseries. If I'm a puppet in your hand, just throw me into the fire.." her sorrow was immeasurable.
Isana could hear her loud and clear. His heart pulled in four different directions. He turned back slowly, in shame. A speeding truck collided with William, and threw him in the air over the ledge. Isana was in a state of shock. He couldn't move a muscle, watching everything unfold in fractions. He raised his hand but Willam had already hit the sea.
* All the roads
lead to the dark.
All the pain,
of being stabbed in the back..
wretched my bones
to a million pieces again!
Was it meant to be done
through my own hands,
Or a cosmic mistake began
when I was born,
in the godly hall of fame?
Darkness of my frekled past,
Saint or Sin
will I know at last?
Everything I feared,
has come back to
haunt me once again!*
Sea turned red and the bubbles disappeared. Vehicles ran through Isana but he didn't move an inch till sundown. He gathered what was left of his shattered heart and levitated towards the moon. The God of Joy left earth that night, birds chirped and the dogs howled but Isana was too broken. He laid on his bed, eyes open, gazing at his mother's picture on the wall.
Days passed, one night while he was asleep, his mother spoke in his dreams "Isana.. You gave up so soon? This isn't what I raised you to be son.." He woke up frantically trying to find her. She was gone. He got up early morning, went upto the god of Happiness and said, "Grandfather, I'm leaving"
Tamaraja looked back at him in bewilderment. "Where?" he stammered.
Isana managed a faint smile on his lips, "To spread joy to the whole world" and jumped.
We are thinking of venturing into the world of cinema. Also, we will promise to bring out more physical copies of books which a lot of readers prefer even in this day and age.
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